Round 6 of the Stronger Communities Programme is open

Published Fri 12 Feb 2021

 Round 6 of the Morrison Government's Stronger Communities Programme is still open for Expressions of Interest!

Community groups right across Brisbane contribute so much to our way of life, and make our local area such a great place to live, work and raise a family. If you know or are a part of a local charity, sporting club, school P&C or other volunteer organisation, then I encourage you to submit an expression of interest for a federally-funded grant to support your group’s eligible project priorities or funding needs.

Grants are available to support local Brisbane community projects that strengthen social connections, build community participation and create vibrant and viable communities into the future.

In recognition of the difficult year many community organisations have experienced in 2020, for this round grant funding for each project can range from $2,500 up to $20,000, and organisations can apply for up to 100% of the project cost.

In the previous rounds of this programme, I’ve fought hard to be able to deliver dozens of projects, including a waterproofing and refurbishment of Wilston State School’s Tuckshop, a new community kitchen for Communify, upgrades to the clubhouse at New Farm Junior Soccer Club, and brand new A/V equipment for PlayLab Inc.

A reminder that Expressions of Interest are still open and will close at 5pm on Friday the 19th of February, so please contact the Office of Trevor Evans to provide any assistance, or if you know of a group that could benefit from a Stronger Communities grant.
