Advice for Clubs and Organisations

Published Mon 28 Feb 2022

As you are aware, in recent days in South-East Queensland has been impacted by a significant weather event, causing widespread flooding, with the emergency continuing to unfold in many areas. 

Our thoughts are with the all of those directly affected by this event both personally and across our sporting clubs, organisations, their volunteers and members, activity providers and staff.

Right now, the situation is evolving with impacts varying across the region and the full extent not likely to be known for some days yet. We have seen examples of the lengths you have gone to, in attempting to protect clubhouses, venues and equipment and while this is understandable, your safety and that of your volunteers and participants remains paramount.

We ask that you do not put yourself under unnecessary risk as there will be time for damage assessments to occur across clubhouses, venues, lighting, fields, courts, amenities, and equipment once the immediate danger has passed and it is safe to do so. 

When that time comes, we will be ready to utilise our vast experience in managing disaster response and recovery to provide assistance and support. This includes how best to record details of damage sustained to your facilities and assets and materials which will be crucial to support your claim.

We suggest considering the following initially:

  • Once waters have receded, contact your electrical supply company to ensure your supply has been safely reconnected. 
  • Check insurances and whether clubs, organisations and their facilities have flood cover. If so, contact insurers to receive advice on how to progress with a claim.
  • Identify and capture clear images of tide marks or water heights in and around buildings and equipment. 
  • If there is significant damage such as 'bellying' or collapsing ceilings, do not enter until the building owners, engineers or SES have inspected. 
  • Wear appropriate PPE including gumboots, gloves etc when commencing removal of damaged equipment and surfaces. 
  • Ensure stormwater drains are clear and any debris removed in case of follow up rain. 
  • Document damage to items individually, including floor coverings, appliances, air conditioners, televisions and computers, capturing images and serial numbers of these items before discarding.
  • Maintain any receipts associated with clean-up including for materials, PPE, mini skips or machinery, like dryers, required. 

We understand that many of you are at a critical juncture with seasons already commenced or preparation underway. Similarly for those in outdoor recreation industry that have providers curretnly delivering activities. Be assured that the Department, your State Level Organisations, Industry Peak Bodies and Councils will work through this together as a collective. 

As support options are being considered, we ask those affected to review their eligibility and current activations through Level 1 funding via the Sport and Recreation Disaster Recovery Program, with more detailed information available through the program guidelines. The program will be updaetd as more areas are declared under Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements

We also encourage eligible organisations to apply for support under the Active Clubs program which opened last week. 

Further updates will be provided as information becomes available and it is the intention to have Sport and Recreation staff out in the field in the next week as we progress into the recovery phase.

We have worked successfully in the last two years in response to the pandemic and we aim to work together in the same spirit to ensure a safe return to play as soon as possible. 

There is a dedicated inbox, to contact the Sport and Recreation team. 
