Audrey McLaughlin AM

Published Wed 01 Jan 2020

Audrey McLaughlin AM has done it all for softball and at all levels from local club, regional, state, national and international level over the past 70 years following her playing days at club level from 1948 to 1966. 

She also represented Queensland from 1950 to 1956. 

Various adminstrators, selector and coach roles for Brisbane Softball Association over 16 years was matched by similar roles at national level from 1965 up to 2019. 

She coached the Australian team in 1980 after assistant coach for seven years, then as Australian selector for 18 years and a multitude of administrative roles for Softball Australia, including as Coaching Director for three years. 

She was until recently an International Softball Federation accredited umpired and ISF Congress Delegate for Australia for 16 years, she had 33 years a Queensland selector for various state representative teams to round out a 70-year involvement in her chosen sport. 

Softball's Audrey McLaughlin - a most worth General catergory inductee into the Queensland Sport Hall of Fame.