Clean-up payments for Brisbane's damaged community clubs

Published Sat 05 Mar 2022

The Schrinner Council will hand $5,000 clean-up payments to community clubs impacted by one of Brisbane's worst-ever floods.

Lord Mayor Adrian Schrinner unveiled the much-needed payment scheme for clubs and organisations on Council-leased sites as he met with dedicated Bardon Bowls Clubs members. 

The historic 72-year-old club was hit hard during the storms and has now been forced to postpone a planned community clean-up this weekend.

"Clubs like the Bardon Bowls Club are the lifeblood of our community, and it is just so important that we all dig in and help them back on their feet as quickly as possible," Cr Schrinner said. 

"My Council will be providing clubs like this one $5,000 cash payment to help them with their clean-up requirements.

"It will be up to the clubs how they spend this money. They can use it to get help removing large bulky items or cover the cost of purchasing clean-up equipment. 

"The critical things is that the clubs know they can count on this money soon to help cover the clean-up costs."

Under the Communtiy Facility Disaster Relief Payment Program, not-for-profit clubs will need to complete a simple survey and provide photographic evidence of the the damage to get approval.

The money is being reallocated from the Lord Mayor's Better Suburbs Grants program.

A similar scheme was introduced following the devasting 2011 floods which was paid to 107 community clubs. 

Cr Schrinner said he expected the number of eligible clubs would surpass the previous total given this week's devasting flood event was spread across a much greater part of Brisbane.

"We've already had over 100 clubs get in contact with us to report that their facilities have been damaged," he said.

"These include sports groups like football clubs, bowlos, cricket clubs and baseball clubs as well as community organisation asuch as historical societies and charities. 

"I am sure many clubs will have been affected and I am urging them to register for this payment to help them out."

Paddington Ward Councillor Peter Matic said he was thrilled clubs like the Bardon Bowls Club would be able to access the $5,000 payment to help them clean up. 

"Bardon Bowls Club is a special place for locals along with people across Brisbane so being able to help them out is really important." he said. 

"The pictures show just how much the club copped it, yet many locals are coming forward to volunteer for the clean-up to come. 

"This payment will help bankroll that effort and be part of getting people out on the lawns again playing the great game of bowls."

Cr Shrinner said he looked forward to working with all levels of government to help the worst-hit clubs undertake the structural work necessary to rebuild clubhouses and other facilities. 

"Some clubs will need significant help getting operational again and I look forward to a team effort to help rebuild Brisbane," he said.

The first round of payments to organisation that have already advised Council of their damage will start being processed next week once photos have been submitted. 
