Published Sun 24 May 2020


Queensland's community sporting clubs and State level organisations preparing for the resumption of sporting activity at their venues next month will welcome the State's Return to Play recovery assistance package announced today by Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk with Health Minister Steven Miles and Minister for Sport Mick de Brenni.

A total of $51.3 million has been identified to assist some 7,000 clubs, nearly 80 State level sport and recreation organisations and over 70,000 children's sporting activities via more $150 Fair Play vouchers targeted at households where job losses have impacted on their ability to maintain their children's sporting involvement. 

QSport CEO Peter Cummiskey said the financial assistance will assist clubs prepare to meet the COVIDSafe requirements that are necessary to help players and support personnel in clubs to be protected from the coronavirus. 

"The sporting fraternity are clearly keen to return to their clubs when Stage 2 easing of COVID-19 restrictions kicks in on 12 June and with their usual revenues impacted, the Government's funding from this package will be appreciated by club administrators required to put safety and hygiene checks in place."

"With organised training to restart next month, this is a timely injuection of support from the State for a significant sector of the wider Queensland community."

Bringing forward support for State sporting bodies will enable them to do their job without putting further strain on their constituent clubs and participants."

"And providing support to parents and guardians to help ensure kids are not prevented from getting back into sport because of job losses in families is a positive move in everyone's interests."

"QSport as the industry peak body for 70 of the 80 plus State sporting bodies in Queensland will continue to work with the Government's sport and recreation agency and health authorities dealing with the impact of COVID-19, in line with the Chief Health Officer's intent and related directions."

"We will need to do all we can to expediate a safe and properly prepared for resumption commencing next month."

For further information, contact QSport CEO Peter Cummiskey on 0418 185 008 or visit

