Community Sport welcomes resumption of competitions; clubs urged to act responsibly for safe return to play

Published Thu 02 Jul 2020

QSport - the Queensland sports collective comprised of over 70 of the 80 plus State Sporting Organisation comprising the State's peak body for organised, affiliated sports - has welcomed the Premier's announcement on Tuesday that will enable increased numbers of participants to return to competition earlier than expected this month. 

The easing of restrictions on sporting activity is expected to enable the majority of regional sporting associations and local grass roots sporting clubs normally involved at this time of the year in competitions to move from training only since 1 June to engagement in competitions, albeit in some instrances reduced in length and in all instances subject to continuing adherence to COVID Safe plans to mitigate the risk of virus transmission via the sports sector. 

From tomorrow afternoon, the transition from training to playing in community sport competitions will commence for resumption of full contact sporting activity on the "field of play", return of spectators in line with venue capacity, numbers in venues based on a density requirement of 1 person per 4 square metres and physical distancing of 1.5 metres (for other than players during play), full access to all facilities in venues associated with participation (including change rooms), resumption of service / revenue generating activities (including canteens) and resumption of events / carnivals / gala days / championships. 

QSport CEO Peter Cummiskey said that while sporting bodies will welcome the changes transitioning from training to playing again in competitions, the need to ensure the requirements of COVID Safe Industry Plans developed by QSport member State Sporting Organisations in the four QSport Groups for Aquatic, Field Team, Indoor and Outdoor Sport - to record details of people in venues, maintain individual distancing in venues and appropriately clean facilities in venues - will be vital to ensuring safe experiences for players, support personnel and spectators and the widers community. 

"The requirements have been simplified but with that comes a continuing responsibility on the part of individuals and sports bodies to do the right thing by way of adhering to the protocols required for a safe resumption of play during the weeks and months ahead."

"Onwards from Stage 2 to Stage 3 and beyond is the goal, not resume then have to retreat back to Stage 1 and no community sport." 

For further information on the above, contact Peter Cummiskey on 0418 185 008, visit the QSport website or the Queensland Government COVID-19 website.
