Community Sport winter competitions set to bounce back strongly in 2021

Published Thu 11 Mar 2021

The great majority of State Sporting Organisations (SSOs) have reported positive indications for a successful return of most competitions, with retained and in many cases, increased membership and participation numbers for the season ahead starting after Easter. 

Delegates of SSOs covered by the State's industry peak body QSport yesterday painted an overall encouraging picture of revivial and renewal for the coming season after winter competitions in 2020 were impacted by COVID-19.

State bodies are organised in fourt Sport Groups - Aquatic, Field Team, Indoor & Outdoor - by QSport with significant engagement in yesterday's discussions and follow up from a number of those unable to participate yesterday. 

QSport CEO and Community Sport Australia Secretary Peter Cummiskey says most State bodies reported increased membership and participation numbers compared with the same time last year before COVID019 forced sport's shutdown until resumption under COVID restrictions from July. 

"The reports are very encouraging with members and participants at grassroots apparently keen to get back into it after last year's distruption."

"It's particularly the case in South East Queensland and for female participation, with a number of big field team sports reporting very positive registration numbers."

"In addition, events schedule for 2020 cancelled or postponed will find their way back into programs in 2021 in a significant number of sports."

"And importantly, only a small number of sports have reported some slowness in volunteers coming back but there are still a few weeks yet before competitions in the main kick off next month."

"Things are a bit patchy in a few sports in North Queensland reflecting some difficulty linked to local economies impacted on by COVID related factors, but rural and regional sporting people are traditionally resilient and hopefully things pick up in the weeks and months ahead."

"State bodies have used the off season to look at membership / participation fee models and a successful return for winter sport clearly will have been helped by holding down and in a number of instances reducing costs."

"More data will become available after competitions begin but overall, it's an endorsement of the value perceived by players, officials and supporters of our largely volunteer run community sporting system."

For any clarification of the above, contact Peter Cummiskey on 0418 185 008.