COVID-19 Update 1 Feb

Published Tue 01 Feb 2022

The Department of Education recently released the Back to School Plan 2022 (the Plan) which provides a summary of the COVID-safe measures in place for Term 1, including some specific arrangements for the period Monday 7 February to Friday 4 March 2022. We understand this may have raised a number of questions regarding how the Plan impacts the sport and recreation industry. 


Following advice from the Department of Education, school sport and sporting events will continue both on and off school sites. 


Organisations/ activity provides will also need to be aware of the current COVID-19 restrictions including vaccination mandates, occupant density, and face mask requirements prior to delivering activity.


Whilst community sport and activity providers are permitted to continue operations from Monday 7 February to Friday 4 March 2022, external organisations and/or contractors are encouraged to contact individual schools for further information regarding access to school facilities and any specific requirements of that school.


These measure have been put in place to keep the school community COVID-19 safe, so it is important that you continue to promote the key COVID Safe measure when delivering your activity including:

  • the promotion of social distancing
  • wearing of face masks when required
  • maintaining good hand hygiene
  • staying home when you are sock
  • use of the Check In QLD app
  • cleaning and disinfection of equipment. 

We acknowledge the Plan has implications on the outdoor recreation sector including the suspension of school camps and excursions. We will continue to work the Department of Education and Outdoors Queensland in relation to this important matter. 


If your business has ben impacted by COVID-19 restrictions, you may be eligible for financial assistance or other types of relief. The COVID-19 business assistance finder can help identify what support is available from the Queensland and Australian government and Queensland local councils.  
