COVID Update 1 April

Published Thu 01 Apr 2021

The Premier recently announced that from 12pm Thursday 1 April 2021  to Thursday 15 April 2021, restrictions will ease in greater Brisbane. For more information on the restrictions for Queensland please see the Roadmap for Queensland’s COVID Safe Future or visit the Queensland Health website

Organised sport, recreation and fitness are permitted to resume in the Greater Brisbane Area ensuring continued compliance with your Industry COVID Safe Plan, and the following additional restrictions:

Face masks

You must carry a face mask with you at all times when you leave home, unless you have a lawful reason not to. You must wear a mask in indoor spaces, such as:

  • indoor recreational facilities and gym (except if doing strenuous exercise)
  • indoor workplaces (where safe to wear a mask and you can’t physically distance)
  • public transport, taxis and rideshare, and waiting places or queues for this transport
  • It is strongly recommended you wear a mask when outdoors if you are unable to stay more than 1.5m distance from other people, such as busy walkways and thoroughfares.
  •  Masks do not need to be worn in some circumstances, including children under 12 years, where people have certain medical conditions, and in workplaces where it is not safe to do so.

Please note, face mask are not required to be worn on the ‘field of play’ however when indoors participants must wear a mask while they are 'on the bench' waiting to play or outdoors where they cannot physically distance. They may remove their mask if they are puffing or out of breath.


  • Retail food services and entertainment venues can open with seated eating and drinking, takeaway and delivery. There is no standing or dancing allowed in indoor venues.

In addition, from 1 May 2021 all Queensland hospitality businesses must use the Check In Qld app when signing in patrons to their premises. Mandated use of the App will help make contact tracing faster, more reliable and complete. Should this impact your organisation, further information on how to register can be found on the Check In Qld app website.

Movement and Gatherings

  • You can now leave home for any purpose and travel anywhere in Queensland and Australia. However please note, other state and territories may have restrictions in place that prevent you from travelling to them.

We understand the school holidays are busy time for our industry with a number of events planned over the next 14 days. Please note, these events are permitted to proceed however please ensure your COVID Safe Plans are updated to reflect the above restrictions.

For more information regarding the restrictions on Queensland please visit the Restrictions for Queensland website or contact the team at Sport and Recreation via email at

Thank you once again for your support in keeping Queensland safe.

