COVID Update 12 March

Published Fri 12 Mar 2021

As you may be aware, an announcement was made in Parliament Thursday 11 March 2021 regarding further easing of restrictions in Queensland. As a result, amendments are proposed to some Chief Health Officer public health directions.

This includes (but not limited to) the following:

•                     All outdoor occupant density restrictions for managed campgrounds, camping and caravan parks across Queensland will be lifted

•                     The requirement for a Health Management Plan at these settings will be removed with Queensland Health to provide a guidance document to support the industry

•                     Gatherings in residences will be increased to 100

•                     Gatherings in public outdoor places will increase to 500

•                     For outdoor events which are 500 people or less, an event checklist will no longer be required

•                     For outdoor events which are between 500 – 1499 people, an event checklist will be required.

Changes are to come into effect from 1am Saturday 13 March 2021, with the relevant public health direction websites to be changed at that time.

As a result of the amendments to public health directions, COVID Safe Industry plans will need to be updated accordingly. Sport and Recreation will amend the COVID Safe Industry Plans where necessary, and submit to Queensland Health. Industry leads will receive a copy of the submitted plan for their records.
