COVID Update - 24 June

Published Thu 24 Jun 2021

Restrictions are easing for Queensland from 1am Friday 25 June 2021. Queensland's COVID Safe Future provides a great overview of the eased restrictions. This is welcome news for our industry, as restrictions on the number of people permitted to attend indoor venues will be reduced. The Queensland Government has also introduced a new travel declaration for anyone entering Queensland and expanding the mandatory Check In Qld app to more sectors, significantly increasing contact tracing ability. These steps are being put in place to allow for the continual easing of restrictions.

Below is an overview of the relaxation of restrictions impacting the sport and recreation industry:

  • There is no longer a requirement to comply with an Industry COVID Safe Plan. Instead, indoor venues and events will now be required to comply with the new COVID Safe Checklist, which will be published on the COVID Safe Business Framework website. Outdoor only based organisations are still considered an unrestricted business. This means you are not required to comply with the new COVID Safe Checklist for any outdoor activities.  However,  indoor spaces associated with outdoor clubs such as clubhouses with licenced hospitality activities or canteens with indoor dining will need to comply with the Checklist.
  • Occupant density requirements for indoor venues and events will increase to 3 people per 4 square metres or 100% capacity at seated and ticketed venues (whichever is preferred).
  • There are also no longer restrictions on self-service food and buffets.
  • From 1am Friday 9 July 2021, the Check In Qld app will be mandatory for a number of new sectors as identified at this link. More information on the app and how to register your organisation can be found on the website Check In Qld app | Queensland Government 

The Return to Play website will be updated shortly, removing any reference to the Industry Plans and replacing with links to relevant information. As we transition out of additional COVID restrictions, we will look to publish any guidance material required for the industry to address common questions arising.

Whilst, community organisations are no longer required to comply with a COVID Safe Industry Plan,  professional sport and elite athletes of national significance are still required to comply with a COVID Safe Plan approved by the Chief Health Officer. If you are considering Queensland as part of training or competition plans, please touch base with the team via email at

Over the past 12 months, the COVID Safe Industry Plans have played a vital role in helping to ensure a safe and healthy environment for your members to participate in sport, recreation and fitness activities. Our compliance as an industry has helped put Queensland in a position to continually relax restrictions.

We understand the COVID Safe measures have become a part of our day-to-day routine, so we understand that you may wish to continue to promote these messages. As a reminder this includes:

  • promoting physical distancing
  • promotion of good hand and respiratory hygiene
  • continued collection of contact tracing information
  • regular cleaning and disinfection of frequently touched surfaces and equipment.

With any change in restrictions, we understand there will be questions. Please do not hesitate to contact the team via email at if you require further clarification on the above.

We are experiencing some technical difficulties in sending this information to the Department's broader mailing list. In the meantime, we would appreciate if you could please share this email with your affiliates.
