National Sports Convention Focuses on Children and Young People to be More Active

Published Wed 10 Apr 2019

The National Sports Convention 2019 is Australia and New Zealand's leading gathering of sport, government, education, health, commercial, leaders, policy makers and providers in the physical activity, recreation and community sports sectors. 

Focusing on future generations, NSC will be exploring how to engage and encourage more children and young people to be more active, how to encourage recreation and participation in community sport. Bringing to the stage world renowned Professor Mark Temblay (Canada) and President of the Active Healthy Kids Global Alliance who will be sharing his insights with the National Sports Convention. The Alliance of 517 experts compared 49 countries from six continents to assess global trends in childhood physical activity in developed and developing nations, resulting in the "Global Matrix 3.0" comparison of grades.

Australia received an overal grade of D- with a B- in organises sport and physical activity, but a D+ for active transportation and D- for sedentary behaviour. â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹

Joining Mark at the National Sports Convention's Global Thought Leaders Session on Thursday will be keynote speaker Alison Oliver, Chief Executive Officer, Youth Sport Trust (UK), who will share with us the challenges and success that the UK are facing with activating young people. With over 20 years' experience and dozens of programs, tools and insights that they make accesible to their collaborators.  Their philosophy is to support schools, teachers, parents and coaches tackle the challenges that young people are facing. 

Mark and Alison will be joined by a panel of Australian and New Zealand experts to discuss the key challenges we are facing and explore how the global research and approach that the Youth Sports Trust are taking could help in Australia and New Zealand improve their score on the Global Matrix 3.0. The expert panel members joining Mark and Alison will include: 

  • Pieere Comis: Director, Physical Literacy Leadership - Sport Australia 
  • Fran McEwen: Young People Strategy Lead - Sport New Zealand
  • Associate Professor Shae Pill: National President - ACHPER and Flinders University
  • Associate Progessor Kylie Hesketh: Institute for Physical Activity and Nutrition - Deakin University

To reserve your seat at this years Global Thought Leaders Session as part of the National Sports Convention 2019, click here.

Full Program can be found at:

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