Peak body welcomes staged resumption of sport in coming weeks

Published Sat 09 May 2020

QSport, the major representative body for organised sport in Queensland with 70 of the 80 plus State Sporting Organisations as members of the Queensland sports collective, has welcomed the release by the Premier of the State Government's projected roadmap to ease COVID-19 restrictions over the next two months. 

The QSport CEO Peter Cimmuskey, in welcoming announcement of the projected way forward for the return of sport has called for State and local level sport administrators and participants to respect the opportunity a progressive easing will provide in their and the wider community's best interests. 

"Sport is a vital ingredient in Queensland's way of life and I'm sure that Queenslanders will be please to hear that the past two months of no sport can soon come to an end. People have had time to miss their usual involvement in the various sports on offer here and getting back into sport is important to hundreds of thousands of Queenslander's health and wellbeing, particularly after being isolated. With the opportunity returned will come responsibility to continue those ongoing conditions such as social distancing, hygiene and COVIDSage plans need to ensure we stay on top of the spread of the coronavirus.

QSport has manintained constant communication with member State sporting bodies and the State Government on the impact of the virus and is continuing to work with government authorities and other sector peak bodies to ensure sport deliverers have the necessary protocols in place for a successful, community safe staged resumption. Discussion will continue next week on the required processes for sports' resumption in stages from mid-June and then four weeks later from the second week in July."

For further information, including the roadmap, contact QSport CEO Peter Cimmuskey on 0418 185 008 or, or visit the QSport website
