QSport Update - 9 April

Published Thu 09 Apr 2020

To Members,

Attached for information is a copy of the media statement issued yesterday afternoon after the National Cabinet meeting.

Priority continues to be given by the QSport Office to CEO level engagement with the State Sport and Recreation agency in the Department of Housing and Public Works on the development of a package of assistance to stabilise State sporting organisations, and then plan for re-invigoration of sports participation once this is possible.

The QSport Board is now meeting fortnightly until further notice instead of bi-monthly and is being kept abreast of development / inputs / issues on a regular basis between meetings.

The Annual General Meeting scheduled for late March and postponed is expected to be held in late May.  Advice on date and time by way of Notice of Meeting will be forwarded in due course.

There has been a substantial amount of phone conversation with individual QSport member SSO personnel and also provision of comments / suggestions for the recovery of sport once it is deemed appropriate for sporting activity to recommence.

Such material is appreciated and is of interest to those involved in developing sector assistance measures.

The Board and I are interested in hearing from those members with who no contact has occurred since the COVID-19 impact began to bite into activities in March and I am in the process of contacting those members who did not respond to the recent survey to ascertain where they sit in terms of their current situation.

In particular, there is interest in what besides $$$ particular organisations might by way of assistance need as the months ahead unfold.

Three issues that QSport has pursued in conjunction with the State are insurance premium refunds, membership fee refunds and any changes to requirements for incorporated organisations stemming from COVID-19 impacts by way of relaxation.

QSport raised the player insurance issue last month in discussion with Sport Australia senior officers and I understand the Federal Minister for Sport has since agreed to pursue the matter of refunds in the event competitions are abandoned due to COVID-19 impact.

Membership fee refunds is the current most topical issue of late and Minister de Brenni and I have indicated in recent days that funds held should stay where they are at present, until at least it is known whether suspended competitions are able to recommence.  In the case of competitions already abandoned, State bodies and affiliates will need to address sensibly to ensure no one structure in their sport is placed at risk, acknowledging if a service for which payment has been received is unable to be provided, there will be expectation that some if not all of fees paid will be the subject of reimbursement.

Incorporation requirements are being pursued by the State with the Office of Fair Trading and advice received will be forwarded.

Due to constraints now familiar to all, aspects of the QSport Program of Activities attached will be postponed until later in the year.  Members are advised that the Sport Leaders Mentoring Program for 2020 will commence on 23 April as notified earlier but that the Sponsorship session on 22 April has been postponed to a later date.

Should members have any questions, please contact the QSport office.

