Queensland’s roadmap to easing restrictions

Published Fri 08 May 2020

From 11.59pm, Friday, May 15, the following will be allowed:

• Gatherings of a maximum of 10 people together in a public space
• Dining in at restaurants, pubs, clubs, RSLs and cafes for a maximum of 10 patrons at one time as part of a gradual re-opening (no bars or gaming)
• Recreational travel of a radius of up to 150km from your home for day trips
• Some beauty therapies and nail salons for up to 10 people at one time
• Re-opening of libraries, playground equipment, skate parks and outdoor gyms (a maximum of 10 at one time)
• Wedding guests increased to 10 people and funeral attendance increased to 20 (30 outdoors)
• Open homes and auctions with a maximum of 10 people at one time;
• Re-opening public pools and lagoons (eg South Bank, Cairns, Airlie Beach) with a maximum of 10 people at a time or greater numbers with an approved plan

For Outback Queensland, where there have been no COVID cases, two special concessions have been made:

• Dining in at pubs and cafes will be up to 20 for locals only, reflecting the important role these venues play in connecting small outback communities; and
• Recreational travel of a radius of up to 500 kilometres reflecting the long distances in the Outback.

Stage Two, effective 11.59pm, Friday, June 12 would provide for:

• Gatherings at homes with a maximum of 20 visitors
• Dining in at restaurants, pubs, clubs, cafes and RSLs for up to 20 patrons at a time and an option for more with an approved COVID-safe plan
• Holiday travel within your region

Stage Three would include reviews of border closures and build to 100 customers for venues giving certainty to business, communities and families to be able to plan ahead.

More information: buff.ly/2V4oz1j
