SEQ Flooding Update 11 March

Published Fri 11 Mar 2022

The extreme weather event that affected Queensland regions from as far north as Gladston, west to Goondiwindi and south to the border, has the potential to impact thousands of sport and recreation clubs and organisations. 

Understanding that the vastness and full level of impact on our communtities is yet to be determined, clean-up and recovery is now well underway in many areas. The resilience and strength shown in response to natureal disasters is remarkable, particularly as communities have come together to support their local clubs. 

Our ability to collaboarate in times of need is highlighted by the number of council officers across the impacted LGAs already working closely with departmental representatives to document damage sustained and provide assessment support. 

We also have staff on the groun assessing some of the more significantly affected sites and working with councils to get repair works underway as soon as possible. This work will help us identify the scale of those facilities that have been more significantly impacted and what we can do to further support those organisations. 

Funding support

Though you are likely aware, in summary there is a range of funding support available to affected, eligible not-for-profit clubs and organisations. 

There is a handy social media post summarising this funding information for sharing across your networks. 

These grants are aimed at assisting with carious levels of clean-up, insurance excess payments, repair or replacement of damaged equipment or ifrastrcture and/or other costs associated with the recovery process. More information on the $20,000 grant in developemtn will be made available soon.

There are also funding packages available from other relevant organisation including as well as state and national sporting organisations, for example Cricket and NRL, worth investigating. 

Industry support

Representatives from the department have this week attended community forums hosted by AQIA and industry gatherings through QSport to share information about disaster recovery response. 

For anyone that couldn't attend the AQIA Flood Recovery webinar, it is now available online. To view the recording a simple, free, login is required and will provide future access to all services relevant to the industry. Visit AQIA for more information. 

There is a focus on mould remediation in the clean-up process with information available via Worksafe Queensland outlining how to properly manage mould and associated issues including infection risk. Be aware that the Bureau of Meteorology have also provided a snapshot of weather ahead which includes showers and thunderstorms activity that could further hinder recovery efforts. 

The announcement and appointment of Major General Jake Ellwood as Queensland's flood recovery coordinator has been welcomed, with a view for a State Recovery Plan to be developed as the full scale of the disaster becomes clearer. 
