Special Disaster Assistance Recovery Grants

Published Mon 20 Jan 2020

For non-profit organisations which have suffered direct damage caused by North and Far North Queensland Monsoon Trough, 25 January - 14 February 2019, grants are available from QRIDA to assist with the costs of clean-up and reinstatement. Please note applications close on 28 February 2020.

What assistance is available?

Special Disaster Assistance Recovery Grants up to a maximum of $50,000 are available to assist eligible non-profit organisations as follows:

  • Initial grant amounts to assist you with cleaning and reinstatement costs - up to a total of $25,000; and
  • Subsequent grant amounts to assist you with additional cleaning and reinstatement costs - up to a further $25,000.

Please note that claims over $25,000 or claims for subsequent grant amounts must be supported by evidence of payment of these costs, including the amount claimed under the initial grant – for more information see the scheme guidelines.

How can the assistance help you?

The assistance enables the organisation to pay for costs associated with cleaning and reinstatement activities.

Examples of eligible activities:

  • purchasing, hiring or leasing equipment or materials to clean-up or are essential for immediately resuming the non-profit organisation's operations
  • removing and disposing of debris, damaged goods and materials
  • repairing buildings or repairing or replacing essential fittings in buildings other than houses
  • replacing lost or damaged stock essential for immediately resuming operations
  • leasing temporary premises to resume the non-profit organisation's operations
  • engaging a person to clean or to conduct a safety inspection of premises
  • paying additional wages to an employee to assist with the clean-up work.

Assistance under this scheme is not intended to compensate for loss of income suffered as a result of the disaster event and assistance provided is subject to future audit.

Defined Disaster Areas:

The Minister for Fire and Emergency Services has activated North and Far North Queensland Monsoon Trough, 25 January - 14 February 2019.

To be eligible for assistance you must own and have operated a small business located in one of the 'defined disaster areas' for the relevant disaster (see below):

Eligible Disaster Defined Disaster Area
  • North and Far North Queensland Monsoon Trough, 25 January - 14 February 2019
  • Cloncurry Shire Council
  • Flinders Shire Council
  • McKinlay Shire Council
  • Richmond Shire Council
  • Townsville City Council

Special Disaster Assistance Recovery Grants are subject to terms and conditions which are detailed in Scheme Guidelines.  Please view the Guidelines for detailed information regarding eligibility criteria, eligible activities for which the grant can be used and how to apply.

Please also refer to the Frequently Asked Questions.

Should you have any queries our Regional Area Managers are available to assist you, or please phone on Freecall 1800 623 946 or email QRIDA at:contact_us@qrida.qld.gov.au.
