Stage 3 Return to Play guiding principles

Published Fri 03 Jul 2020

Update from Sport and Recreation Queensland as of 12 noon. 

I’m sure you will agree that is has been pleasing to see Sport and Recreation venues once again becoming hubs for activity and training in Stage 2. It has been equally great to hear the many stories of clubs and volunteers doing their part in helping people to return to play while keeping everyone safe.

We have been working hard side by side to get to a point where we can return to a version of sport and active recreation activities as we knew them. Whilst it has been challenging at times, we are now seeing the benefits of that hard work as we move further into the easing of restrictions and Stage 3 coming into effect earlier than expected.

The importance of these industries and the activities they support is clearly well embedded in Queensland’s way of life and we have in many ways, lead from the front in developing processes and methods to return to ‘normal life’.

The recently announced amendments to the Roadmap for Stage 3 will see the resumption of competitions including contact activities, fixtures, open days and revenue raising activities which will be a significant step towards enabling the sport, recreation and fitness industries to reconnect with their members and the broader community.

Industry COVID Safe Plans played an integral role in some sport, recreation and fitness activities resuming under Stage 2 easing of restrictions. Under Stage 3 they will form a key element by working in partnership with a set of principles to guide the return to play. As detailed in the principles below, where an Industry COVID Safe Plan exists for an activity, it must be followed in order for that activity to be conducted.

The six principles guiding the Stage 3 Return to Play are:

  1. Contact - full contact is permitted on the field of play in line with pre-COVID contact activities. At all other times, participants, coaches, officials, trainers and spectators are to observe physical distancing requirements and undertake sound hygiene practices as detailed in the relevant approved Industry COVID Safe Plan.
  2. Facility capacity - the total number of people to attend an activity, training and competition at indoor venues is to be based on occupant density of one person per two square metres for venues of 200 square metres or less (up to a total of 50 people) and one person per four square metres for venues of 200 square metres or more.  For outdoor venues, physical distancing off the field of play is required. Risks will be managed through mandatory record keeping, through group segmentation and buffer zones as appropriate.  Individual organisations and facility managers will be responsible for implementing these requirements in line with the relevant approved Industry COVID Safe Plan.
  3. Facility usage - all elements of community sport, recreation and fitness facilities are accessible in line with relevant health guidelines and directives. This means facilities such as canteens, change rooms, bathrooms, storage rooms, bars will reopen and operating hours can also be amended. Industry Plans will detail how organisations will manage the use of ancillary facilities in relation to cleaning/sanitisation and flow of people within venues. All facility components will be operated in accordance with the relevant approved Industry COVID Safe Plan.
  4. Events - such as championships, markets, carnivals and gala days can recommence. Organisations must ensure the relevant approvals are in place based on the number of people attending as seen in the Roadmap.
  5. Stadia - strict social distancing measures and hygiene practices will remain central to COVID Safe Plans for stadia, in line with Public Health Directives. Crowd capacity will be up to 25,000 spectators or 50% of capacity (whichever is the lesser).Group segmentation and buffering measures will be used to reduce co-mingling. Public messaging will ensure that patrons are aware of all requirements during sporting events and concerts. COVID Safe Plans for stadia will address transport management for patrons travelling to and from venues, including alternatives to public transport.
  6. Compliance with industry and stadia COVID Safe Plans - all activity is to be conducted in accordance with relevant Industry and Stadia COVID Safe Plans and Public Health Directives. This includes organisations detailing how all persons at the activity/facility will be tracked, and traced, including spectators

Industry COVID Safe Plans have been updated as has the Return to Play Guide and other resources to reflect these principles. These documents are currently being updated on the Queensland Government web so please keep an eye on the site for updates over the coming days.

Existing risk management requirements already in place for Stage 2 under COVID Safe Industry Plans will also continue to apply with organisations required to demonstrate thorough hygiene and cleaning practices and adequate attendance record keeping.

While we are very fortunate as a state to have minimal COVID cases, we must also continue to be vigilant in how we interact with each other as Queensland returns to play.

A key element of the Sport and Recreation COVID SAFE Restart Plan has been the roll-out of the Active Clubs Kickstart program has proved popular with thousands of applications received to date. The program closed at 5pm Tuesday 30 June, with all grants scheduled to be paid by end of July.

The always popular FairPlay vouchers program will soon open for applications for eligible individuals, extended to include those parents, carers and guardians receiving JobKeeper payments. In its entirety the program aims to support to up to 73,000 young participants.  

Additionally, the department is currently processing the bring-forward of payments owing to State level organisations funded through the Active Industry Fund 2020-21, with payments to be released to applicable organisations from July 2020.

Again, on behalf of the department I would like to extend my thanks and appreciation to you for your efforts to date throughout unprecedented times. Your unwavering passion is a driving force in the return to play for your members across Queensland.
