If you're thinking about applying for the new Grant, then make sure you check out the five steps to writing a grant application below. 

1. Prepare

  • Read the guidance notes and FAQ to self-assess if your organisation and/or project are eligible under the program.
  • Register your organisation early in order to access the on-line application (if not already registered).
  • To register a project, search for your organisation using a key word from the organisation name – do not login to the organisation registration. 
  • Start on your project application early in the application period.
  • Have a thorough understanding of your project.
  • Read the project assessment selection criteria thoroughly.
  • Consider how your project will address the criteria and how you will support this with some form of evidence.

2. Plan

  • Work out your project timelines – be realistic and ensure they are within the acceptable time period for the grant program.
  • Prepare a realistic budget. Don’t ask for too little or too much. Check that all budget items are eligible under the grant criteria.
  • Identify the community groups that will benefit from your project.
  • Source any documents that are required to be attached with your application.

3. Write

  • Complete the application as fully as possible.
  • Ensure financial information is as accurate as possible.
  • Write clearly and succinctly.
  • Don’t exceed word limits.
  • Attach all the required supporting documentation.
  • Don’t include documents that are not requested.
  • You are able to work on your project submission over several sittings, so check information and make improvements before you submit your application.

4. Check

  • Show your online application to someone who has never seen the project or heard you talk about it.
  • After reading it – ask them to explain it to you.
  • Did they pick up the main points you wanted to make?
  • Did they know what you were asking for?
  • Refine your application and repeat this step until the other person can clearly and easily describe the project back to you.

5. Submit

  • Submit before or on time as late applications are not accepted.
  • Submit in accordance with the instructions.
  • Keep a copy of the notification that your application has been received and any identification code that is provided for future reference.