QSport celebrates 30 years

10 Feb 2023

Over 80 invited guests from QSport past and present Boards, staff, sponsors and supporters gathered on Thursday afternoon 9 February at Allan Border Field in inner nothern Brisbane’s Albion to acknowledge, celebrate and reflect on 30 years since the formal establishment of the industry peak boady for organised sport in Queensland. 

Participants at the event in the Captains Room in The Pavillions function centre was welcomed by QSport Chair Ben Callard who then introduce Minister for Sport Stirling Hinchliffe MP as guest speaker, given the support of successve State Government for the work over three decades of what is the Queensland sports collective comprised as it is of mainly the State sporting organisations for over 70 sports with the aim of assisting the development of sport here. 

Since incorporation on 8 February 1993, membership has more than doubled and Minister Hinchliffe commented on the important role that QSport has played over the years, particularly during 2020 with Covid lockdown of sport and the organisation assisting community sport and government in developing plans to enable sport to return to play. 

Other guests included Shadow Sport Minister Tim Mander MP, Brisbane Deputy Mayor Cr. Krista Adams, Channel Seven State Manager Todd Dickinson, recently retired Seven sport identity Pat Welsh, Natalie Cook OAM OLY and The Courier-Mail’s chief sportswriter Robert “Crash” Craddock. 


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