More than $26 million for community sport and active recreation

31 Jan 2023

Over the coming months, more than $26 million will be invested in community sport and active recreation clubs to encourage more young Queenslanders to stay active and healthy.

A new sport infrastructure program, the Minor Infrastructure Program, will launch from Tuesday, 31 January with grants from $50,000 to $415,000 for smaller club projects including lighting, ramps and pathways, cycle trails, skate parks, fixed exercise equipment, court upgrades and change rooms.

The $14.6 million program will open to community-based sport and active recreation clubs, state and national level sporting organisations and local councils.

Shovel ready projects valued up to $1 million will be considered for the new Minor Infrastructure Program with successful applicants contributing up to 20 per cent of total project costs.

Applications for funding close on Thursday 2 March with successful projects to be completed within 18 months.

Round three of the Active Clubs program opens on Wednesday, 1 February with grants of up to $2,500 for 2,000 community sporting clubs.

The $5 million program is designed to help clubs with the cost of new on and off-field equipment, accreditation courses for coaches, club officials and volunteers, and initiatives like come-and-try events to attract new members.

The first round of FairPlay for 2023 has also launched with up to 46,000 vouchers worth almost $7 million to help low-income Queensland families with the cost of sport and active recreation sign on fees up to $150.

Applications for FairPlay vouchers are open to parents, carers and guardians with a current Services Australia Health Care Card or a Pensioner Concession Card for students aged five to 17 years.

Whether it’s getting involved in scouts, surf lifesaving, tennis, martial arts, AFL or rugby league, there are hundreds of sporting options and clubs accepting FairPlay vouchers in 2023.

The Queensland Government’s investment of more than $26 million in local sport and active recreation is part of the ten-year Activate! Queensland strategy to get more Queenslanders moving more often.


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