2023 QSport Conference Recap

Published Wed 07 Jun 2023

Sport Now and Next

The 2023 QSport Conference was held at the Queensland Sport and Athletic Centre on Thursday May 25th.

The day was kicked off with a Welcoming address from the Deputy Mayor of Brisbane, Krista Adams. We then heard from our Keynote speaker, Kieren Perkins OAM who talked all things Green and Gold in the lead up the Brisbane 2032. We heard from speakers about Sport and Recreation Pathways, Concussion in Sport, Sports Tech, Engaging Women and Girls in sport, volunteers, sustainability and next generation leaders in sport. All of these sessions can be watched on demand here

The day also provided a valuable opportunity for industry members from across the state to network, share ideas, common pain points and importantly, solutions. Thank you to everyone who attended the 2023 QSport Conference: Sport Now and Next. We look forward to bringing you this event again in 2024. 
