QSport CEO calls time on long stint with Queensland sports collective

Nearly 26 years’ service to sport in Queensland as CEO of the State’s industry peak body for sport will come to an end for administrator Peter Cummiskey at the end of March next year.
The face and voice for organised sport overall since the mid-1990s, well know to industry and government circles alike, has advised the QSport Board that it is time for him to move on and pass the baton to another to continue assisting the development of sport in this State.
“It has been an interesting role for someone who was asked back in late 1996 to do some work on sponorship for the organisation for two months, extended to four and then to take on the role of Executive Director for the remainder of 1997.”
“I did not expect to be CEO for 25 plus years but the reality is that it has provided me and the organisation the opportunity to grow QSport’s membership and influence with government and others who impact on sport at national, State and local level” said Cummiskey.
He came to the role after nine years as CEO of the West Australian and Queensland Australian Football Leagues and before that, 21 years working for the Federal Government in employment, vocational education and training agencies in Brisbane, Melbourne, and Canberra.
“It turned out to be an excellent preparation for what is an almost unqiue role, shared as it is with only four counterparts in sports federations like QSport in the other four Australian mainland States.”
“There is no doubt that the arrival of Covid in 2020 temporarily dispensed with any thought of change for me and playing the role of the link between QSport and State Government health and sport and recreation agencies to return sport to play is a career highlight.”
“So too is establishing the Queensland Sport Hall of Fame in 2009 to enhance the recognition and promotion of Queensland sporting achievements.”
“While QSport and I are well know for the annual Sport Awards / Hall of Fame Presentation, the work on advocacy federally that ultimately led to vouchers for children’s sport participation across the States, providing advice and assistance to thousands of enquiries from within and without sport over two decades plus and instigating mentoring programs for the people working in sport are just as significant to me.”
“2022 has been a more difficult year than others for me but passing 25 years in my role in April and the State Government now providing more financial support for QSport have been factors in opting to call time and give the QSport Board short term continuity and sifficient time to recruit a replacement to pursue its revamped strategic direction as we head towards Brisbane 2032.”
“QSport and sport more generally always faces challenges and I acknowledge that I could not have done what I ahve done without a core of key staff, sponsors and other supporters and not forgetting my family.”
“The next decade will be more interesting than most before it and hopefully as a born and bred Queenslander, I’m still around to see the two Brisbane 2032 Games and the benefits they can bring to this part of the world.”
QSport Chairman Ben Callard said “QSport and Queensland sport are better for Peter’s involvement, providing continuity and stability to the industry for 25 years.”
“Peter’s efforts and contribution to Queensland sport are nothing less than remarkable and we thank him for that.”
“We part way swith the organisation in strong position in all facets; financially, operationally, reputationally and strategically. Ready for the exciting future ahead. We thank Peter for this. He will be no stranger to the organisation, and we look forward to his consult on key projects in the future.”
“Peter’s decision to resign comes at an opportune time for anyone interested in the role as Queensland embarks on a 10-year runway in preparation for the 2032 Brisbane Olympics and Paralympic Games and the abundance of opportunities that will present as a result.”
Peter was awarded an OAM for service to sport and specifically Australian Rules Football in 2018.